Jason Half-Pillow

Jason Half-Pillow

Show BioHide BioJason Half-Pillow lives in Vicenza, Italy, where the people speak Italian in what sounds to be a Swedish accent. His writing has appeared in many places, including his computer and on unemployment application forms and at the Santa Cruz, California DMV. His writing has also appeared in the Iowa Review, Hobo Pancakes, The Driftwood Press, the Bicycle Review, and The Paris Review, though in the last case, it was his handwriting: he used the inside cover to practice forging his mother's signature. He is left-handed but plays tetherball with his right.

2 posts

Back Cover from The Blood Soaked Bed

Published 9y ago -

(A Jason Half-Pillow Ennui Existential) When Amy One Eye Shut, an almost pathologically shy Navajo Maid at just another in a scattered series of California desert town Ramada Inns between Barstow and Bakersfield, bends her round figure down to prop up Room 113... More »

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