Carolyn Mamchur

Carolyn Mamchur

Show BioHide BioCar­olyn Mam­chur is a pro­fes­sor at Si­mon Fraser Uni­ver­sity, an au­thor of nu­mer­ous ar­ti­cles, po­ems, chil­dren books, books on psy­chol­ogy, short sto­ries, and screen plays, and a cre­ator of two botan­i­cal gar­dens. She and her daugh­ter own and op­er­ate Magic Horse Gar­den, a sanc­tu­ary they share with vis­i­tors, stu­dents, clients and four ther­apy horses, five lla­mas, two rab­bits, two dogs, twelve chick­ens, three ducks, two doves, but no par­tridge in a pear tree.

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